Mouth Painting
On this page, you can get an insight into the “mouthpainting” technique and you can see many of my works of 27 years in a small online gallery. Many of these works are commissioned by pet owners who could immortalize their loved animals on watercolour. My first career wish in early childhood was to become a zoologist and filmmaker. In the age of 6, I missed no broadcast from Sielmann, Grzimek and co. and the love of nature with its diversity of life forms characterizes my interests today. Therefore, it suggests itself which subject preferably I am going to paint.
After my accident, when I was still in the hospital, I tried my first mouth-painted landscapes more out of boredom than with ambitions. This worked only moderately, on the one hand I was missing the acquisition and on the other side of the technique of watercolour painting. The famous watercolour painter Sybille Salzeder, from my hometown helped me to learn how to use the watercolours. The result: Better landscapes, but moderate copies of my teacher. Finally, I ventured the change to my favourite subjects: animals. My first exhibition with Mrs Salzeder in the beautiful monastery of Höglwörth in the Bavarian Chiemgau was a tremendous success.
My technique was refined continuously and my artistic development grew apart from Mrs Salzeder, a brilliant portrait and landscape painter, but without reference to: animals. Since my admission to the artists of VDMFK international, my technique has improved significantly. The master of painting Monika Sieveking from Berlin, which instructs us every year on a week-long workshop in Potsdam, managed to improve us German painters with our artistic techniques. I would like to thank her again expressly at this point! You can watch a “behind the scenes” special about Potsdam on my Youtube channel.
Is there a secret with my pictures? No. My motives are slumbering in the paper and wait to be brought out. I can’t tell how this can be achieved in detail. I have the mix of motivation, feeling and joy that express my portraits just in animals. Mouth painting is not an unmated style of art. I think, some who can draw by hand, he can potentially also paint with the mouth. The motor plan to do this is in the head. Of course, the fine motor skills challenges at the mouth paints need much practice, concentration and endurance. The distance to the image is very small, each small failed movement especially in the Watercolor Portraits is potentially fatal. Therefore, mouth-painted images are something special. Every time, remittance portraits for me are a unique challenge.
The Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World, registered society, (VDMFK) supports and promotes artists who, due to disability or disease, cannot create their works of art with their hands, but have to use their mouths or their feet. From a small group of 18 mouth and foot painting artists, the VDMFK developed over the course of the years into an association which is active worldwide and already represented in 74 countries of the world with currently about 800 artists.
Commissioned portraits:
- Techniques Watercolour
- Outer dimension/size approx. 40 x 30 cm. * this size is the best size regardless of the price, but the best for my distance to the paper. In addition, it fits really good portraits!
- Completed in 2-4 months.
- Price after expenses and on demand.
- The picture can be returned if you are not really satisfied. Then I only apply material and shipping costs, approximately 30 euros. However, my success rate is above 99%, see examples above!
If you are interested, tell me a bit about your pet: age, standing in the family, habit…, that helps me to make even a picture. Good templates, an extensive knowledge about the species and an insight into the perception of the owner or of the viewer of an animal are important for me. Only a good model is suitable for the portrait. Therefore, I photograph many templates myself.