
I was born in 1967 in Wiesbaden, Germany. Since the third year of life I have been living in Bavaria, therefore I feel and I live like a native Bavarian. Life before my accident was marked by sports and music. As a player for the football and volleyball Department of the village TSV Siegsdorf, only little time remained for school and other obligations.

My diving accident in 1983 in Italy (at the age of 16 years) hit me like a hammer, really hard. Paraplegia from neck to toe! Everything was suddenly different, no perspective, nothing…! But there was a way – in the beginning somehow, then fixed on small targets. With growing confidence and the experience that more and more is possible, I took larger goals. After a year long stay in the clinic, I continued at my old high school and in 1989 I started studying psychology in Regensburg. After graduation

I worked at the University of Regensburg for 10 years, in the special field of transport security with a focus on human-machine interaction. Our research group was dissolved because of the economic crisis. Afterwards I worked for 3 years in the lower management for the ACCOR company. My main responsibility was to develop e-learning skills for the personnel training at the human resources department. 2009 (at the time at ACCOR) I was happy to get a scholarship of the VDMFK (Association of foot and mouth painting artist international). 2012 I’ve risen within the VDMFK to a “associate member”, which implied for me financial independence. Since April 1, 2012, I work freelance – mainly as an artist.

Therefore, I got more time for my hobbies. As a Board member and co-founder of the small football club FC Bavaria Werkvolk e.V., I take care of the Business Affairs and commit the team over the season.

* 1.6.1967 in Wiesbaden
since 1971in Siegsdorf (Obb.)
1983swimming accident in Italy (paraplegia C3-5)
1983first attempts to paint with the mouth
1985-1987watercolor lessons at Sybille Salzeder
1989high school in Traunstein
since 1990 study of psychology and new residence in Regensburg
since 1998employment as psychologist (diploma) at the University of Regensburg department HUMAN FACTORS
from 2008-2011employed at the ACADEMIE ACCOR HR Developement
since 2008scholarship of the VDMFK International
since 2011sssociated member VDMFK